
Highlights Madeira Airport Live 20-05-2024

Here’s a resume of some of the highlights of the day chosen by the host, members and viewers from our Madeira Airport Live. If you find that we may share a highlight here, you can clip the stream and we will check later.

Binter Landing from Porto Santo Boeing 757 Landing Boeing 757-200 Takeoff to Manchester

Ryanair hard on the brakes after landing

Binter Takeoff to Gran Canaria

Portugal Air Force Falcon 50 Takeoff

Binter landing from Gran Canaria

Condor KIND pilot window open

Claire and Elaine Gibson waving from the Terrace

Binter Takeoff and Duarte Neves flashing the light

The Gibsons Flashing the light!!

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Highlights Madeira Airport Live 19-05-2024

Highlights Madeira Airport Live 21-05-2024